Solution Herbal Miracle Cream 12gm

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Solution Herbal Miracle Cream 12gm<br>100% Genuine Product (Under WHO-GMP Herbal Guideline);<br>No chemical;<br>Guaranteed product;<br>Combination of a variety of natural herbs;<br>Anti Marks Miracle Whitening Cream is a well-researched combination of a variety of natural herbs, miracle whitening cream gives quick relief from dark anti-marks on the face and keeps skin soft young and beautiful.;<br>How to use: Wash the face with solution Miracle Face Wash & gently apply the solution Miracle cream on the affected parts of the skin of the face once a day at night.;<br>Use for: Acne, Pimple, Dark spots, Marks, Melasma, Pigmentation and Blemishes.;<br>Key Ingredients: Yashad, Jaiphal, Neem, Aloe vera, Kafaldak, Lodhra Saffron, Manijistha etc.;<br>Note:<br>Avoid contact with eyes, mouth, mucous membranes.;<br>Exposure to sunlight or UV light will cause repigmentation of bleached area.